Stem cells are the body’s master cells. They are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to transform into a variety of different cells and replace dying cells, and the potential of rebuilding damaged tissue, muscles, tendons or ligaments. Stem cells are used to generate repair of body structures. By concentrating these and injecting them into body structures, the stem cells transform into other cells, which repairs the body. Stem cell therapy treatments are unique because they help the body jump start the healing process. Concentrated stem cells procedures can be used instead of orthopedic surgery to repair torn meniscus, damaged tendons, and joint arthritis.
Stem Cell Therapy
Our Board Certified pain management doctors in Dallas offer stem cell therapies including bone marrow derived treatment and platelet rich plasma (PRP).
Stem Cell Therapy
Regenerative medicine holds the promise to create and repair parts of our bodies damaged due to age, injury or disease. Areas like arthritic knees, damaged spinal discs, or painful hips that are resistant to other treatments. One area of regenerative medicine involves the use of “stem cells” which have the power to naturally regenerate damaged tissues with may restore function not just mask pain.
Our office has been on the forefront of regenerative injection treatments as one of its early adopters. Our team of board certified regenerative medicine specialists has been able to give some patients relief who have otherwise been disabled due to pain. While this is by no means a miracle it does hold promise to improve the lives of patients who have been told that surgery or pain medications are their only choice.